Starting your own blog feels exciting, right? But the big question is, where do you begin?
Choosing a hosting service is crucial, and believe me, not all of them are good news. You may end up ruining your blogging dreams if you are involved with things that are not good.
This is why I prefer WPX hosting for all my blogging needs, as it stands out for its speed and reliability. This guide will show you how to start a WordPress blog with WPX hosting, helping you make a strong start on your blogging journey.

How to Start a WordPress Site on WPX Hosting In 2024?
Step 1. Sign-up with WPX Hosting
First up, you need to sign up with a web hosting service to get your blog online, and I personally suggest WPX Hosting because it’s been amazing for me over the years.
A web host is essentially a space on the internet where all of your blog’s content lives, and it’s also where your domain name (your blog’s address) is hosted.
What makes WPX an ideal choice for bloggers?
WPX is a top choice for bloggers because it’s really fast, which means your blog will load quickly (.82 seconds). They offer support all day, every day, so you can get help anytime.
Plus, they’ll help you move your site over for free and give you a test area for making changes. You also get WPX Cloud CDN, making your blog even faster worldwide. These features make WPX a great place to start a WordPress blog.
Related: 90% Off WPX Hosting Coupon
Step 2. Navigate to your hosting plan.
After you’ve picked your WPX Hosting plan, click the “Get Started” button. Then, you’ll see two new buttons for the USA and UK. Choose the one that’s closest to where you are.
To find your hosting service, go to the menu or your dashboard after logging into your WPX account. Then, click on “My Services” and choose “WordPress Hosting.” It’s like finding your stuff in a drawer after opening it.

You will then see all of your hosting plans. Click on the orange Manage service button once you have found the one you want to manage.

Step 3. Go to the Manage Websites menu.
Now that you’re in the Hosting Panel, click on “Manage Websites.” Here, you can see and control your websites on WPX.
To install WordPress on one of your websites, find the website you want and click on “Manage WP” on the right side. It’s like organizing and setting up your website from a control center.

Step 4. Install WordPress.
After clicking the “Manage WP” button, a small window will pop up. You’ll have the option to install WordPress directly on the main directory of the website or in a sub-folder.
You can put several WordPress installations in different sub-folders, but they’ll all use the resources assigned to the main website.
It’s like deciding whether to put something directly in the main box or in one of its smaller compartments, but all those compartments share the same resources as the main box.

Another window will pop up on your screen. You’ll see fields where you need to enter your website and account details from the drop-down menu.
Once you’ve filled in all the necessary information, click on “Install WordPress” to finish setting it up. It’s like filling out a form with your website information and then clicking a button to make everything official and complete the installation.

When setting up your WP Admin user password, you can choose your own or let the system generate one for you.
If you want the system to generate a secure password, click the blue button that says “Generate Password.” Before proceeding, make sure to COPY and save your password by using the “Copy Password” button.
Then, click the green button labeled “Deploy WordPress” to finish the process.
At the bottom of the pop-up window, you have the option to install W3 Total Cache automatically with the pre-configured settings alongside WordPress.
It’s like choosing whether you want to add an extra feature to your website setup automatically, which can help improve its performance.
I suggest adding W3 Total Cache with the recommended settings for improved website performance. It’s already included when you install WordPress from the WPX Control Panel.
It’s like suggesting you add an extra tool to your website to make it run faster, and it’s already there for you to use when you set up WordPress.

Remember to copy and save your WordPress username and password. Keep your WP-admin login details private, and don’t share them with anyone.
When you add a website to your hosting panel, a database is created and linked to the website automatically.
That’s it! WordPress is now installed on your site! It’s like finishing up a task, and now your website is ready to go!
Step 5. If WordPress was already installed on the site.
The following message will appear if WordPress has already been installed on the website:

If you want to remove the existing WordPress installation completely, click the “Uninstall WordPress” button. This will delete all files in the site directory and everything in the connected database.
If you need to reinstall WordPress for that site, choose the first option and follow the guide from Step 1 again.
You can also install WordPress in a subdirectory without affecting the main installation. You can do this by choosing the second option and following the guide from Step 4.
If you’re having trouble with anything mentioned on this page, reach out to the WPX Support Team via live chat (using the widget in the bottom right-hand corner). They’ll respond and assist you within 30 seconds or less.
It’s like giving you options for managing your WordPress installation, and if you need help, you can quickly contact support for assistance.
So, now that you have your site hosted on your WPX let’s get it running.
How to install themes on your WordPress?

Installing a new theme on your WordPress website allows you to give it a consistent and appealing design across all pages. You can choose from thousands of free and paid themes.
While WordPress comes with default themes, you can explore and install new ones by accessing the “Themes” section in your WordPress admin panel.
Here, you can browse through various themes and select the one that best suits your website’s identity. If you’re willing to invest in a premium theme, platforms like ThemeForest or StudioPress offer a wide range of options.
Here’s how you can install a theme to your website:
- Go to the “Appearance” section of your WordPress website.
- Then “Themes” from there.
- Click on “Add New” and select from a range of available themes.
- Installing a theme is as simple as clicking the “Install” button next to your chosen theme and then activating it.
- You can also install a theme by uploading the theme files using the “Upload Theme” option.
Whether you opt for a free or paid theme, take your time to explore and find the perfect fit for your website.
Setting Up the Rest of the WordPress
Once you’ve set up your WordPress website, there are a few more tasks to complete before you start publishing content. Here’s what you need to do:
1. Delete the sample post:
When you install WordPress, it comes with a default post titled “Hello world!” You can delete this by going to “Posts” > “All Posts,” selecting the post and moving it to the trash.
2. Set a New Default Category:
WordPress comes with a default category called “Uncategorized.” You can create a new default category that better suits your website’s content by going to “Posts” > “Categories” and adding a new category. Then, go to “Settings” > “Writing” to set this new category as the default one.
3. Delete Default Page:
You can also get rid of the default page titled “Sample Page” by going to “Pages” > “All Pages” and removing it from your trash bin.
4. Delete Extra Themes and Plugins:
WordPress comes with default themes and plugins that you may not need. You can delete them by going to “Appearance” > “Themes” or “Plugins” and selecting the ones you want to remove.
5. Customize Your Theme:
You can customize your theme’s appearance by going to “Appearance” > “Customize” and adjusting settings like site identity, colors, and layout.
6. Set Up Your Menu:
To set up a navigation menu, you can go to “Appearance” > ‘Menus’ and add pages, posts, custom links, or categories to it by going to ‘Appearance’ > ‘Menus’.
7. Add and Set Your Widgets:
When you select “Appearance” > “Widgets” from the menu bar on top of the page, you can add widgets to your website’s sidebar or footer to customize it.
8. Set Your Profile Information:
If you would like to update your profile details, including your name, nickname, and bio, please visit “Users” > “Your Profile.”
9. Adjust General Settings:
You can adjust the settings for your site’s title, tagline, and time zone by going to “Settings” > “General.”.
10. Configure Reader Settings:
Finally, go to “Settings” > “Reading” to set how your blog posts are displayed, such as showing them on the homepage or on a separate page.
Completing these tasks will ensure that your WordPress website is fully configured and ready for you to start publishing content.
WPX is the best choice for bloggers who want their WordPress websites to load super fast. It’s perfect for beginners starting their first blog, people who already have a blog but not on WordPress, or anyone who wants faster hosting.
Whether you’re new to blogging or want to improve your site’s speed, WPX is the way to go. With the information in this post, you now have the knowledge to set up your WordPress website confidently on WPX.
Once everything is set up correctly, you can begin producing great content for your audience. All the best! And do let me know if you have any more doubts.